Are hyaluronic acid injections right for me?

As we age, our body loses its natural ability to produce the lubricating fluid that keeps our joints and tissues healthy. This often results in pain, swelling, stiffness and discomfort in our joints that appears throughout the day. If you're one of the many Americans suffering from joint pain and are looking for a solution that doesn't involve surgery, hyaluronic acid injections may be a solution you could consider. In this blog post, we'll discuss what hyaluronic acid injections are, when you should consider them, where they're typically used, what the patient experience is like with a pain management doctor and what the recovery process entails.

What are hyaluronic acid injections?

Hyaluronic acid injections are a type of non-surgical treatment used to alleviate pain associated with osteoarthritis and other joint-related conditions. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in the body, primarily in our joints, that helps to keep them lubricated and cushioned. By injecting a synthetic version of this substance into affected joints, patients can experience relief from pain, swelling, stiffness, and other symptoms.

When should I consider hyaluronic acid injections?

You may be a good candidate for hyaluronic acid injections if you have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis or another joint-related condition, and have not experienced sufficient pain relief from over-the-counter medication or physical therapy. Patients who experience pain and swelling in their knees, shoulders and hips are the most common recipients of hyaluronic acid injections.

It's worth noting that we've seen patients of all ages and backgrounds at DFW Interventional Pain Institute who have benefited from hyaluronic acid injections, so if other treatments have failed you, it may be worth setting up an appointment with Dr. Lopez to discuss your prior medical history and previous treatments.

One typical way to tell if seeing a pain management specialist is worth considering is if the pain you're experiencing interferes with typical daily life such as pain when driving, walking, working or doing household tasks. If you've had chronic pain for more than two weeks in a joint area, it may be time to consider hyaluronic acid injections at our clinic.

Where are hyaluronic acid injections typically used?

Hyaluronic acid injections are most commonly used in the knees, but can also be used in the hips, ankles, wrists, shoulders and other joints. Knee injections are the most studied and have been approved by the FDA, but your doctor may recommend injections for other joints based on your specific needs.

Because hyaluronic acid injections are used to treat the joints for pain management, they are not typically used in the buttocks, face, lips or other muscle groups at our clinic.

What's the patient experience for hyaluronic acid injections?

The injection procedure is relatively quick and painless and can typically be done at the same time as your evaluation at DFW Interventional Pain Institute. Dr. Lopez and our staff will clean the injection site and apply a numbing agent before injecting the hyaluronic acid solution into the affected joint. You may experience some swelling and discomfort for a few days following the injection, but most patients report significant improvements in pain and mobility within a few weeks.

What's the recovery like after hyaluronic acid injections?

Recovery time varies from person to person, but most patients are able to resume their normal activities within a few days to a week after the injection. We recommend starting slowly and working through your daily activities like household chores and light stretching, then progress to longer-distance walking and athletic activities as you start to feel more comfortable.

One thing to remind our patients: It's important to avoid high-impact activities and to follow any post-injection instructions given to you by our team at DFW Interventional Pain Institute. The last thing we want is the aggravation of your joint to lead to pain, so it's really important to take it easy at first and be smart about the activities you choose to do.

While hyaluronic acid injections are generally considered safe, no treatment is without potential side effects. Some patients may experience mild reactions at the injection site, such as redness, pain, swelling, itching, or bruising. These symptoms typically subside within a few days. More serious side effects are rare but can include allergic reactions, infection, bleeding, or changes in skin color. If these or any other unusual symptoms occur, it is crucial that patients contact our office or their primary healthcare provider immediately. And, as you probably know, always discuss potential risks and complications with your doctor before undergoing any medical treatment.

DFW Interventional Pain Institute can help with joint pain relief.

If you're dealing with joint pain and have not found relief from over-the-counter medications or physical therapy, hyaluronic acid injections may be a good option for you. At DFW Interventional Pain Institute, Dr. Edrick Lopez specializes in a variety of pain management techniques, including hyaluronic acid injections. If you're interested in learning more or want to schedule a consultation, please contact our office today. Don't let joint pain hold you back any longer – let us help you get back to living your best life.

DFW Interventional Pain Institute

Blogs written by the staff at DFW Interventional Pain Institute.


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