Pain Management FAQs you can use.

These are some frequently asked questions we’ve gotten at DFW Interventional Pain Institute.

If you have additional questions, please reach out to our office at contact@dfwinterventionalpain.com or book an appointment.

  • DFW Interventional Pain Institute offers comprehensive treatments for patients struggling with chronic pain. Our treatment plans are customized to fit each patient’s unique situation and include physical therapy, outpatient procedures and medication.

  • You do not need a referral from your primary care doctor to make an appointment at DFW Interventional Pain Institute, but we will work with your primary care doctor and any other physician to optimize your individual pain management at our clinic.

  • Regenerative medicine is designed to use your own biology to aid in the healing process. With regenerative medicine, Dr. Lopez takes a blood sample and uses the genetic makeup of your blood to create a serum that can be injected into your damaged tissue to help your body heal that damaged area. Many times this can help relieve the pain by treating it at the source rather than only managing the pain aspect.

  • The most simple cause of chronic pain is damaged tissue that sends neurological signals to your brain that lets your brain and body know that there may be an issue at that particular area where you’re experiencing pain.

    Our bodies use this messaging symptom to reduce further damage to that tissue. For example, if you’re experience knee pain, your body is telling your brain, “There’s a problem here, try not to put more use on this joint!” And, as you know if you’re experiencing knee pain, you’re very likely to avoid using that joint, which can impact your overall lifestyle.

    At DFW Interventional Pain Institute, we manage pain by diagnosing the causes and examining a path forward with the explicit goal of helping you live your best life. In some scenarios, that might mean healing the affected area through a variety of treatments, and in some cases it may be managing the “messages” your body is sending to your brain.

    It’s also important to note that some pain does not have a specific cause, which is why we listen thoroughly to our patients’ individual experiences then provide a treatment plan that is customized to their needs.

  • We encourage you to make an appointment with Dr. Lopez for a consultation to determine how we can treat your specific pain.

  • Our clinic takes all major insurances, including Medicare and Tricare. We don’t currently accept Medicaid at this time.